Standards for Education, Training, Practice and Research

Standards for Education, Training, Practice and Research

EIATSCYP has worked collaboratively with partners across Europe to develop standards of education, training, practice and research which  promote quality and standards in contemporary therapeutic practice with children and young people. These standards aim to provide information for a range of professionals who may want to find out more about learn more about training paths and therapeutic practice or organisations who may be interested to become members.

The standards are designed to ensure the safety and effectiveness of a range of approaches which can enable children and young people to gain access to the help and support they need.

All the approaches have in common a commitment to the rights and needs of children and young people in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child UNCRC, World Health Organisation WHO, ethical quality of care and intercultural sensitivities, as well an appreciation of the complex needs of individual children in the contexts where they live, learn and play.

Guiding Principles

The guidelines are underpinned by the following principles and priorities:

  1. The best interests of the child being central to rights-informed practice
  2. Active listening is fundamental to child centred process-oriented practice
  3. The values of early intervention and the promotion of mental health
  4. Creativity and support for human potential are integral to emotional wellbeing
  5. Consideration of the multiple impacts of adverse childhood experiences
  6. The importance of safeguarding and child protection in practice
  7. The necessity of trauma aware, sensitive, responsive and informed care
  8. Recognition of the self-determination and agency of children and young people
  9. Understanding issues of autonomy in accordance with developmental stage
  10. Openness to the realities of children’s lived experience and their suffering
  11. Recognition of children’s individuality, unique creativity and resourcefulness
  12. Appreciation that children’s challenges are co-created in relationships with others
  13. Understanding social, cultural and economic contexts impact on children’s lives
  14. Awareness of the complexity of children’s developmental needs in context
  15. The provision and matrix of care impacts on vulnerability and dependency needs
  16. Children can adapt creatively to the outside world as well as to their inner life
  17. Multi-professional working is integral to ensuring children’s safety and wellbeing
  18. Identifying children’s needs and making appropriate referrals is vital for practice
  19. Managing risks and consulting with systems of care is essential for safeguarding
  20. Children have capacities for healing and change if provided with appropriate care