Guidelines for Education, Training and Practice Provision

EIATSCYP Guidelines for Education, Training and Practice Provision


  1. Facilities and Staff – Student Ratios

Therapeutic trainings provide appropriate facilities as well as staff student ratios in accordance with the needs of the teaching, learning process and curriculum content. This is with awareness of safeguarding student’s wellbeing, legal, policy and ethical frameworks.

  1. Teaching and Learning

Tutors and Lecturers Organisations are well managed and employ qualified and experienced tutors or visiting lecturers to enable teaching and learning. Courses have a student handbook which contains information about the subjects studied and approaches to experiential learning, personal and professional development.

  1. Advertising Courses and Trainings

Courses are advertised in ways which are transparent and accountable. This includes providing accurate and up to date information in accordance with quality and standards, providing knowledge about levels of training, credit scores, and the nature of the course content and delivery.

  1. Admissions Procedures

Admissions processes and procedures are designed to enable applicants to have access to information about criteria for entry. Application and interview procedures are facilitated safely and effectively to evaluate the suitability of candidates for working therapeutically with children and young people.

  1. Codes of Ethics, Conduct and Practice

Education providers publish codes of ethics, conduct and practice guidance for students, supervisors, trainers and placement providers. These are up to date and in accordance with the values and principles of the organisation as well as wider legal and policy frameworks in the country.

  1. Transparency and Access to Information

Organisations are responsible for informing students about the duration of the course. This can include the modes of delivery, teaching contact time, self-directed learning, relevant reading or research, placement provision, supervision and therapy requirements as well as information about assessment procedures.

  1. Student Progression and Qualifications

Training organisations provide information about qualifying examinations, the issuing of certificates, qualifications, student progression, entry and exit routes. This includes knowledge about the academic levels of education, the potential and limits of competence at different stages of development, and procedures for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).

  1. Course Handbooks

Students in training are provided with curriculum handbooks. These are to support students to access information about course content, the aims and outcomes, assessment methods, marking criteria, and policies and procedures which are required for the submission of work.

  1. Placements

Students engage in professional placements, which support them to become familiar with the contexts where children and young people live, learn and play. Students are enabled to develop through practice- based learning in approved placements with a working alliance between the student, supervisor, education provider and the setting for delivery of placements.

  1. Pluralistic Approach to Practice

Courses deliver research informed trainings to enable students to access different theoretical perspectives from a range of different modalities. This can include humanistic, psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioural, family and systemic as well as critical inquiry into therapies from diverse global perspectives.

  1. Theoretical Models

Students are expected to be able to articulate their integrative theoretical model, methodology and approach with understanding of research ethics and research-informed approaches to practice. Trainings are responsible for supporting students to be able to communicate about their approach.

  1. Staff-Student Liaison

Organisations delivering education, training and practice, provide opportunities for staff and student liaison and communication, obtaining student feedback to support with the evaluation of courses. This also includes procedures for academic appeals as well as grievances or complaints processes.