General Assembly of EIATSCYP

Dear Members,   We are pleased to announce the upcoming General Assembly of the EIATSCYP, where we will be discussing and reviewing our work over the past year. One of our key achievements has been the creation of important documents with the aim of setting high standards and criteria in the protection of mental health […]

Second International Congress of Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 2020. Significance and Possibilities of Psychosocial Support in the Protection of Children and Youth, Now and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Significance and Possibilities of Psychosocial Support in the Protection of Children and Youth, Now and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

Annual general meeting, oct 11th, 2019., Aamsterdam, Netherlands

The annual general meeting will be held in Amsterdam, at Niederlandse Academie yoor Psychotherapie, Klaprozenweg 1033 NN Amsterdam, thanks to hospitality of Jan B. Rademaker. Agenda Welcome and Apologies Minutes of AGM 2018, Sarajevo President’s report Officer’s reports: – Vice presidents – Secretary – Registrar – Treasurer – Training standard officer – Ethics officer Election […]

The EIATSCYP AGM meeting

The EIATSCYP AGM meeting was held in Palace hotel, Zagreb, Croatia, on September, 28th, 2016. The meeting was very successfull and constructive. The dinner after the meeting was very good and fun. It was really nice seeing all the members again. See you next October in Manchester on AGM!

EIATSCYP AGM meeting 2017.

EIATSCYP AGM meeting will And The fourth Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy conference 2017 EIATSCYP AGM meeting will be held on Thursday October 12th 2017., from 10 am to 5 pm. It will take place in the Chancellors Hotel and Conference Centre, Moseley Road, Fallowfield, Manchester M14 6NN ( The fourth Manchester Institute for Psychotherapy conference will […]